Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thread Safe Dictionary Collection in VB.NET

In Multi threaded application, it is essential to have thread safe collection. Provided below the SafeDictionary class built over Dictionary object.

Note: To iterate each item in collection, avoid "For each" loop & use "CopyTo", so that the collection values will be moved to another array & you can loop that array.


Public Class SafeDictionary(Of TKey, TValue)
Implements IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue)
Private _rwLock As New Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim
Private _dict As New Generic.Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue)

Private Class AcquireWriteLock
Implements IDisposable
Private _rwLock As New Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim
Public Sub New(ByVal rwLock As Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim)
_rwLock = rwLock
End Sub
Private disposedValue As Boolean = False ' To detect redundant calls

' IDisposable
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If Not Me.disposedValue Then
If disposing Then
' TODO: free other state (managed objects).
End If
' TODO: free your own state (unmanaged objects).
' TODO: set large fields to null.
End If
Me.disposedValue = True
End Sub
#Region " IDisposable Support "
' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
Private Class AcquireReadLock
Implements IDisposable
Private _rwLock As New Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim
Public Sub New(ByVal rwLock As Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim)
_rwLock = rwLock
End Sub
Private disposedValue As Boolean = False ' To detect redundant calls

' IDisposable
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If Not Me.disposedValue Then
If disposing Then
' TODO: free other state (managed objects).
End If
' TODO: free your own state (unmanaged objects).
' TODO: set large fields to null.
End If
Me.disposedValue = True
End Sub
#Region " IDisposable Support "
' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
Public Sub Add(ByVal item As System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)) Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).Add
Using New AcquireWriteLock(_rwLock)
_dict(item.Key) = item.Value
End Using
End Sub
Public Sub Clear() Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).Clear
Using New AcquireWriteLock(_rwLock)
End Using
End Sub
Public Function Contains(ByVal item As System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).Contains
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.Contains(item)
End Using
End Function

Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal array() As System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue), ByVal arrayIndex As Integer) Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).CopyTo
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
_dict.ToArray.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex)
End Using
End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).Count
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.Count
End Using
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).IsReadOnly
Return False
End Get
End Property
Public Function Remove(ByVal item As System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).Remove
Using New AcquireWriteLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.Remove(item.Key)
End Using
End Function

Public Sub Add(ByVal key As TKey, ByVal value As TValue) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).Add
Using New AcquireWriteLock(_rwLock)
_dict(key) = value
End Using
End Sub

Public Function ContainsKey(ByVal key As TKey) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).ContainsKey
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.ContainsKey(key)
End Using
End Function
Default Public Property Item(ByVal key As TKey) As TValue Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).Item
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict(key)
End Using
End Get
Set(ByVal value As TValue)
Using New AcquireWriteLock(_rwLock)
_dict(key) = value
End Using
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Keys() As System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of TKey) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).Keys
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.Keys
End Using
End Get
End Property
Public Function Remove(ByVal key As TKey) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).Remove
Using New AcquireWriteLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.Remove(key)
End Using
End Function

Public Function TryGetValue(ByVal key As TKey, ByRef value As TValue) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).TryGetValue
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.TryGetValue(key, value)
End Using
End Function

Public ReadOnly Property Values() As System.Collections.Generic.ICollection(Of TValue) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue).Values
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.Values
End Using
End Get
End Property
Public Function GetEnumeratorGeneric() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)).GetEnumerator
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.GetEnumerator
End Using
End Function
Public Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.IEnumerator Implements System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Using New AcquireReadLock(_rwLock)
Return _dict.GetEnumerator
End Using
End Function
End Class

Happy Coding!

Connecting Socks Proxy Server in VB.NET

Using  Windows Socket we can connect to any destination via Socks Proxy. 

How it works:
Connecting without proxy:
1. Request Connection to DestinationServer:DestinationPort
2. Destination Connected 
3. Start Receiving/Sending Data to Destination

Connecting with proxy: 
1. Request Connection to ProxyServer:ProxyPort
2. If needed, provide Authentication Details for proxy server
3. ProxyServer connected
4. Passing our DestinationServer/port Details to Proxy Server
5. ProxyServer itself connects to the DestinationServer
6. Start Receiving/Sending Data to Destination

Lets have 2 reusable class files for Proxy Connection

Public MustInherit Class Proxy
Private _server As String
Private _port As Integer
Private _user As String
Private _password As String
Public Property Server() As String
Return _server
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_server = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Port() As Integer
Return _port
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_port = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property User() As String
Return _user
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_user = User
End Set
End Property
Public Property Password() As String
Return _password
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_password = Password
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ProxyIPEndPoint() As IPEndPoint
Return New IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostEntry(_server).AddressList(0), _port)
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal Server As String, ByVal Port As Integer, ByVal User As String, ByVal Password As String)
_server = Server
_port = Port
_user = User
_password = Password
End Sub

End Class

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text

Public Class SocksProxy
Inherits Proxy
Private _cSocket As Socket
Private _destHost As String
Private _destPort As String
Enum ProxyState
End Enum
Private sPxy As ProxyState
Private Const BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 512
Private transferBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Public Event Completed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SocketAsyncEventArgs)
Public Sub New(ByVal Server As String, ByVal Port As Integer, ByVal User As String, ByVal Password As String)
MyBase.New(Server, Port, User, Password)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal p As Proxy)
MyBase.New(p.Server, p.Port, p.User, p.Password)
End Sub

Public Sub Connect(ByVal s As Socket, ByVal destHost As String, ByVal destPort As Integer)
Dim connectEventArgs As New SocketAsyncEventArgs
_destHost = destHost
_destPort = destPort
_cSocket = s
connectEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = ProxyIPEndPoint
AddHandler connectEventArgs.Completed, AddressOf connectEventProxyArgs_Completed
End Sub
#Region "SOCKS5 Proxy Functions"
Private Sub connectEventProxyArgs_Completed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SocketAsyncEventArgs)
If e.SocketError <> SocketError.Success Then
Throw New Exception(e.SocketError.ToString)
End If

RemoveHandler e.Completed, AddressOf connectEventProxyArgs_Completed
AddHandler e.Completed, AddressOf receiveEventProxyArgs_Completed

e.SetBuffer(transferBuffer, 0, transferBuffer.Length)

sPxy = ProxyState.RequestAuthenticate
End Sub
Private Sub receiveEventProxyArgs_Completed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SocketAsyncEventArgs)
If e.SocketError <> SocketError.Success Then
Throw New Exception(e.SocketError.ToString)
End If
Dim bRec(e.BytesTransferred) As Byte
Buffer.BlockCopy(transferBuffer, e.Offset, bRec, 0, e.BytesTransferred)
Process_Proxy_Data(bRec, e)
If sPxy <> ProxyState.Done Then _cSocket.ReceiveAsync(e)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
End Try

End Sub
Private Sub sendProxyData()
Dim request(257) As Byte
Dim rawBytes() As Byte
Dim nIndex As UShort = 0
Select Case sPxy
Case ProxyState.RequestAuthenticate
request(nIndex) = &H5 : nIndex += 1 ' Version 5.
If User <> "" Then 'only if provided
request(nIndex) = &H2 : nIndex += 1 ' 2 Authentication methods are in packet...
request(nIndex) = &H0 : nIndex += 1 ' NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED
request(nIndex) = &H2 : nIndex += 1 ' USERNAME/PASSWORD
request(nIndex) = &H1 : nIndex += 1 ' 1 Authentication method in packet...
request(nIndex) = &H0 : nIndex += 1 ' NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED
End If
' Send the authentication negotiation request...
_cSocket.Send(request, nIndex, SocketFlags.None)
Case ProxyState.Authenticate
'Username/Password Authentication protocol
request(nIndex) = &H1 : nIndex += 1 ' Current version of the subnegotiation.
' add user name
request(nIndex) = CType(User.Length, Byte) : nIndex += 1
rawBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(User)
rawBytes.CopyTo(request, nIndex)
nIndex += CType(rawBytes.Length, UShort)

' add password
request(nIndex) = CType(Password.Length, Byte) : nIndex += 1
rawBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Password)
rawBytes.CopyTo(request, nIndex)
nIndex += CType(rawBytes.Length, UShort)

' Send the Username/Password request
_cSocket.Send(request, nIndex, SocketFlags.None)
Case ProxyState.ConnectServer
Dim destIP As IPAddress = Nothing
destIP = IPAddress.Parse(_destHost)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
request(nIndex) = &H5 : nIndex += 1 ' version 5.
request(nIndex) = &H1 : nIndex += 1 ' command = connect.(connect=1; bind=2; UDP=3)
request(nIndex) = &H0 : nIndex += 1 ' Reserve = must be 0x00

If (Not destIP Is Nothing) Then
' Destination adress in an IP.
Select Case (destIP.AddressFamily)
Case AddressFamily.InterNetwork
' Address is IPV4 format(IP-V4=1; domain name=3; IP-V6=4)
request(nIndex) = &H1 : nIndex += 1
rawBytes = destIP.GetAddressBytes()
rawBytes.CopyTo(request, nIndex)
nIndex += CType(rawBytes.Length, UShort)
Case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6
' Address is IPV6 format
request(nIndex) = &H4 : nIndex += 1
rawBytes = destIP.GetAddressBytes()
rawBytes.CopyTo(request, nIndex)
nIndex += CType(rawBytes.Length, UShort)
End Select
' Dest. address is domain name.
request(nIndex) = &H3 : nIndex += 1 ' Address is full-qualified domain name.
request(nIndex) = Convert.ToByte(_destHost.Length) : nIndex += 1 ' length of addres_cSocket.
rawBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_destHost)
rawBytes.CopyTo(request, nIndex)
nIndex += CType(rawBytes.Length, Short)
End If
request(nIndex) = Convert.ToByte((_destPort And &HFF00) >> 8) : nIndex += 1
request(nIndex) = Convert.ToByte(_destPort And &HFF) : nIndex += 1
' send connect request.
_cSocket.Send(request, nIndex, SocketFlags.None)
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Process_Proxy_Data(ByVal pMessage() As Byte, ByVal e As SocketAsyncEventArgs)
If pMessage.Length < 2 Then Return
Dim response(257) As Byte

Dim nIndex As UShort = 0

Select Case sPxy
Case ProxyState.RequestAuthenticate
If pMessage(1) = &H0 Then
'No Authentication required
sPxy = ProxyState.ConnectServer
ElseIf pMessage(1) = &H2 Then
'Authentication required
sPxy = ProxyState.Authenticate
Throw New Exception("None of the authentication method was accepted by proxy server.")
End If
Case ProxyState.Authenticate
If pMessage(1) = &H0 Then
'Authentication Success
sPxy = ProxyState.ConnectServer
Throw New Exception("Bad Username/Password.")
End If
Case ProxyState.ConnectServer
If pMessage(1) = &H0 Then
' Change the Handler to Regular Receive Event
RemoveHandler e.Completed, AddressOf receiveEventProxyArgs_Completed
sPxy = ProxyState.Done
RaiseEvent Completed(_cSocket, e)
Throw New Exception("Unable to connect Proxy Server.")
End If
End Select
End Sub
#End Region
End Class

After including the above 2 class files, you can connect to a destination either directly or via proxy(if defined)
 Public Class MyClass
Private _cSocket As Socket

Public Function Connect() As Boolean
Dim server As String = "[destinationServer]"
Dim port As Integer ="[destinationPort]"
Dim clientproxy As Proxy = Nothing

clientproxy=new Proxy("[proxyServer]","[proxyPort]","[uname]","[pwd]")

_cSocket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
Dim connectEventArgs As New SocketAsyncEventArgs

If clientproxy Is Nothing Then
connectEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostEntry(server).AddressList(0), port)
AddHandler connectEventArgs.Completed, AddressOf connectEventArgs_Completed
socksProxy = New SocksProxy(clientproxy)
AddHandler socksProxy.Completed, AddressOf connectEventArgs_Completed
socksProxy.Connect(_cSocket, server, port)
End If
Return True

End Function

Private Sub connectEventArgs_Completed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SocketAsyncEventArgs)
If e.SocketError = SocketError.Success Then
RemoveHandler e.Completed, AddressOf connectEventArgs_Completed
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ReceiveBegin()

Hope it is simple. Happy Programming!