Saturday, November 26, 2011

Block USB Storage

To block USB Storage Devices in a Computer :

1. Login as Administrator
2. In Run, type Regedit
3. Get to this key
Change the value of Start to 4. (default 3)

That's it.

Let's secure our computers!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Netgear issues with BSNL Dataone Broadband

I was unable to browse some websites, including through my Netgear DG834G ADSL2+ modem with BSNL Dataone Broadband connection.

The problem was due to WAN MTU Size. On changing the default MTU 1492 bytes to 1430 bytes, all websites started loading.

From Netgear:

Setting MTU size is a process of trial-and-error: start with the maximum value of 1500, then reduce the size until the problem goes away. Using one of these values is likely to solve problems caused by MTU size:

  • 1500. The largest Ethernet packet size; it is also the default value. This is the typical setting for non-PPPoE, non-VPN connections. The default value for NETGEAR routers, adapters and switches.
  • 1492. The size PPPoE prefers.
  • 1472. Maximum size to use for pinging. (Bigger packets are fragmented.)
  • 1468. The size DHCP prefers.
  • 1460. Usable by AOL if you don't have large email attachments, etc.
  • 1430. The size VPN and PPTP prefer.
  • 1400. Maximum size for AOL DSL.
  • 576. Typical value to connect to dial-up ISPs.

Happy Browsing

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Grant User Rights to Start/Stop Windows Services

If you are an Administrator of Windows 2000/2003/xp operating system & need to grant rights for a user to Start/Stop an Windows Service, please follow the below steps.

1. Download & install Subinacl tool from microsoft

2. In Command Prompt,
SUBINACL /SERVICE [\\MachineName\]ServiceName /GRANT=[DomainName\]UserName[=Access]

where [\\MachineName\], [DomainName\] & [=Access] are optional

E:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>subinacl /service outlookmessengerLS /grant=xyzuser

outlookmessengerLS : new ace for xyzuser
outlookmessengerLS: 1 change(s)

Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done: 1, Modified 1, Failed 0, Syntax errors 0
Last Done : outlookmessengerLS

For more details:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stop Blue Screen 0x0000007E memory dump error

If you are experiencing Stop Error 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x89c3e6e4, 0xb90d9a40, 0xb90d973c) regularly & exhausted on finding a solution try this :

Solution 1:
Try removing external cards(Sound Card, Network Card etc) of your mother board & check whether the issue is solved.
You can also try by uninstalling each Card driver.

Solution 2:
Any other conflicting/malfunctioning driver may also leads to this issue.
1. In Run, type sigverif & click Ok.
2. In Sigverif tool window, click Advanced, click Look for other files that are digitally not signed, click browse & select Windows\System32\Drivers folder, click Ok.
3. Run Start.
4. In the list of unsigned drivers, trace which are unknown & non essential drivers. Move the sys file to a backup folder. (Be careful, while moving the driver. Move only unsigned driver file)
5. Restart the system & make sure all are working normal without these drivers.

Solution 3:
Make sure you have sufficient hard disk space.


I Hope & Wish you will not get that Stop error again.

Long Live Windows!

Friday, January 7, 2011

MSSQL & Event ID: 17137

In Event Viewer > Application, If you have noticed Thousands of Events with details "Starting up database.." Event ID: 17137, here is the solution :

Make sure to set all the database in your SQL Server as Auto_Close=False. By default in SQL Server Express Editions, Auto_Close was set to True. If Auto_Close is true, SQL Server close the DB when the last connection is closed. So the databases were stopped & started regularly.

To Set Auto_Close = False
In SQL Server Manager > Right Click Database > Properties > Options, you can find the option.